
Taizo Kuroda

No. 8
No. 14
No. 21
 No. 22
No. 23

Japanese artist Taizo Kuroda's 'pure white' porcelain works are beautiful, and reflect his search for truth. In Japan, pottery is the most highly regarded of the arts. He uses fine grain sand paper to make his works smooth, and burnishes them, but does not use a glaze. This creates an eggshell like surface that is aesthetically pleasing, and I imagine the tactile experience would be marvelous as well. These forms are lovely, well balanced, and so incredibly thin, contrasting in No. 22 with the heavy foot. These works are all functional, but have a sculptural feel to them as well. Because of the incredible stylistic difference between them you couldn't tell by looking at his work that he has trained under the master Tatsuzo Shimaoka. I found this beautiful quote on his website: "A shape derives from the moment formlessness encounters form." 


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